Australian Writers' Centre

Magic & Mayhem: Discover the secrets to creating magnificent books for kids and teens.

Únete a nosotros en un divertido podcast que revela el lado peculiar de escribir para niños y adolescentes. Escucha a autores sobre sus inspiraciones y procesos creativos.

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Ep 5: Emma Allen’s road to becoming an award-winning author.

E5 • 33 mins • Jan 16, 2019

Episodios recientes

Jan 16, 2019

Ep 5: Emma Allen’s road to becoming an award-winning author.

E5 • 33 mins

Jan 16, 2019

Ep 4: Jen Storer’s breakthrough as a picture book author.

E4 • 43 mins

Jan 16, 2019

Ep 3: How Shelly Unwin fulfilled her dream to write children’s books.

E3 • 27 mins

Jan 16, 2019

Ep 1: Zanni Louise’s obsession with picture books.

E1 • 44 mins

Jan 16, 2019

Ep 2: Tania McCartney’s non-fiction books for kids.

E2 • 42 mins

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