English Language Themes for Learners: Speakers from all over the World Archives - Real Life Language

English Language Themes for Learners: Speakers from all over the World Archives - Real Life Language

Este programa ofrece consejos prácticos y recursos para los estudiantes de idiomas, presentando discusiones atractivas sobre varios temas para mejorar habilidades y fomentar conexiones globales.

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Episodios recientes

Jan 14, 2017

Free Themes for Intermediate Learners of English Book

Oct 31, 2016

Getting around

0 mins

May 5, 2016

Returning a faulty item (Liz from Ireland)

0 mins

Apr 28, 2016

Ordering a meal for children (Liz from Ireland)

0 mins

Apr 21, 2016

Ordering at a fast food restaurant (Liz from Ireland)

0 mins

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