The Guardian

Saved for Later

Únete al equipo de cultura y estilo de vida de Guardian Australia mientras exploran los aspectos más fascinantes y peculiares del vasto paisaje de Internet.

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Is the internet secretly dead? Plus: bots and bye-byes on our final episode

22 mins • Jun 15, 2022

Episodios recientes

Jun 15, 2022

Is the internet secretly dead? Plus: bots and bye-byes on our final episode

22 mins

Jun 8, 2022

Pinkwashing’s peak and the best of the backlash. Plus: who stole our focus?

35 mins

Jun 1, 2022

From Hackers to Unfriended: the evolution of the internet on film. Plus: is Elvis the new Cats?

43 mins

May 25, 2022

Why is synaesthesia suddenly going viral? Plus: the poetry of the second mention – Saved for Later podcast

29 mins

May 18, 2022

What is the Y2K aesthetic and why won’t it go away? Plus: extreme iPod nostalgia

34 mins

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