Patrick Wyman / Wondery

The Fall of Rome Podcast

Explora la caída del Imperio Romano con el historiador Patrick Wyman mientras desglosa temas como la migración y el caos político, utilizando perspectivas frescas y un lenguaje accesible.

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32: Patrick is Hosting a New Show! Check out the "Pursuit of Dadliness" Now!

E32 • 3 mins • Sep 5, 2023

Episodios recientes

Sep 5, 2023

32: Patrick is Hosting a New Show! Check out the "Pursuit of Dadliness" Now!

E32 • 3 mins

Apr 3, 2018

31: Interview: Historian Kyle Harper on Disease, Climate and the Fall of the Roman Empire

E31 • 38 mins

Mar 20, 2018

30: Tides of History: Natural Disasters and the End of the Roman Empire

E30 • 44 mins

Mar 6, 2018

29: Tides of History: Justinian the Great and the Reconquest of the Western Empire

E29 • 46 mins

Feb 20, 2018

28: Tides of History: How the Eastern Roman Empire Survived Attila the Hun and the Disastrous Fifth Century

E28 • 50 mins

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