Juan Carosso

Skilled Trades Playbook by At Your Best

Únete al anfitrión Juan Carosso mientras conversa con profesionales y apoyadores calificados, compartiendo ideas prácticas y consejos para el éxito en los oficios y cerrando la brecha de habilidades.

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Ep. 032 - The 3rd session of "Conversations with the Tattooed Electrician" with Donny Metcalf on how to successfully differentiate yourself at the journey level

S1 E32 • 41 mins • Oct 5, 2019


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Episodios recientes

Oct 5, 2019

Ep. 032 - The 3rd session of "Conversations with the Tattooed Electrician" with Donny Metcalf on how to successfully differentiate yourself at the journey level

S1 E32 • 41 mins

Sep 17, 2019

Ep. 031 - The 2nd session of "Conversations with the Tattooed Electrician" with Donny Metcalf - Master Electrician discussing what it takes to succeed as an apprentice.

S1 E31 • 26 mins

Sep 17, 2019

Ep. 030 - Our first "Conversation with the Tattooed Electrician" Donny Metcalf - Master Electrician, with intro to future planned conversations.

S1 E30 • 20 mins

Sep 9, 2019

Ep. 029 - Recent FAME graduate talks about what it takes to be selected along with what it's like to go through and graduate from the FAME program.

S1 E29 • 29 mins

Sep 9, 2019

Ep. 028 - The very real, economic impact on local and regional communities from launching a local FAME chapter to train Advanced Manufacturing Techs.

S1 E28 • 44 mins

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