
On The Case

Únete a Alison Frankel mientras explora cuestiones legales urgentes, incluyendo la Primera Enmienda y litigios sobre armas, a través de conversaciones perspicaces con expertos conocedores.

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The trillion-dollar question: Can private lawyers hold drug companies accountable for the opioid epidemic?

40 mins • Oct 18, 2018

Episodios recientes

Oct 18, 2018

The trillion-dollar question: Can private lawyers hold drug companies accountable for the opioid epidemic?

40 mins

Oct 12, 2018

Free speech v. government regulation on the Internet

36 mins

Oct 8, 2018

Meanwhile, back at 1 First Street

40 mins

Sep 21, 2018

Can the president control the Justice Department?

48 mins

Sep 20, 2018

Courting Change: Trump’s impact on the federal appellate courts

34 mins

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