Únete a un emocionante podcast que atiende a pilotos de mini quad FPV y entusiastas de drones. Explora diversos temas dentro de la industria y la comunidad de drones.
Drew's President, and Matty's Back Again!
61 mins • Oct 4, 2018
- 189Decreased by 35
- 106Decreased by 1
- 86Decreased by 1
Episodios recientes

Oct 4, 2018
Drew's President, and Matty's Back Again!
61 mins

Aug 16, 2018
Tricopters and the History of Multirotors (w/ David Windestål)
68 mins

Aug 1, 2018
FPV and the AMA (with Matt Ruddick)
71 mins

Jun 15, 2018
Micros! (with Ummagawd and Martin White)
94 mins

May 17, 2018
Long Range! (with @fpvprovo and @skyberries_fpv)
79 mins

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