Jess Rodejo

Let's Jess Talk

Únete a conversaciones interesantes que promueven la confianza y la conexión. Explora temas como la vida, las carreras, las amistades y la autoestima en un ambiente de apoyo y disfrute.

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Paano hindi ma-stress? | Let's Jess Talk @Cybercafé - New segment with Josh!

S1 E4 • 59 mins • Apr 14, 2021

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Apr 14, 2021

Paano hindi ma-stress? | Let's Jess Talk @Cybercafé - New segment with Josh!

S1 E4 • 59 mins

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Feb 16, 2021

E2 Let's Jess Talk: (Part 2) How will I know if he/she is the one for me?

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Feb 16, 2021

Hey! Let's Jess Talk.

1 mins

Feb 14, 2021

E1 Let's Jess Talk: (Part 1) How Will I know if He/she is the one for me?

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