Perimeter Church teaching team and guest speakers

Thinking Biblically Podcast

Conversaciones con el equipo de enseñanza de la Iglesia Perimeter sobre la raza en América, enfocándose en la unidad evangélica y el compromiso con este tema crucial.

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04. Thinking Biblically: Loving Your Neighbor Amidst The Events of 2020 (audio) - Jeff Norris | Randy Pope

• Dec 12, 2020


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Episodios recientes

Dec 12, 2020

04. Thinking Biblically: Loving Your Neighbor Amidst The Events of 2020 (audio) - Jeff Norris | Randy Pope

Dec 12, 2020

04. Thinking Biblically: Loving Your Neighbor Amidst The Events of 2020 (video) - Jeff Norris | Randy Pope

Jul 19, 2020

7/19/20 - Thinking Biblically: Episode Three - Jeff Norris

Jul 7, 2020

7/7/20 - Thinking Biblically: Episode Two - Jeff Norris | Dr. Carl Ellis | Dr. Crawford Loritts

Jun 21, 2020

6/21/20 - Thinking Biblically: Episode One - Teaching Team

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