ITV News

Ask A Woman

Únete a Julie Etchingham mientras se reconecta con mujeres influyentes de diversos campos, compartiendo ideas y historias que inspiran un cambio positivo y crecimiento para todos.

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Mary Ann Sieghart on fighting sexism in schools and closing 'the authority gap'

29 mins • Jul 13, 2021

Episodios recientes

Jul 13, 2021

Mary Ann Sieghart on fighting sexism in schools and closing 'the authority gap'

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Psychotherapist Julia Samuel on change, loss, the Diana tribute and rebooting the stiff upper lip

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Jun 29, 2021

Justine Greening on social mobility and why the government can handle potholes but struggles with people

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Jun 22, 2021

Elif Shafak on staying sane in a divisive pandemic and speaking truth to power

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Jun 15, 2021

Kalpana Kochhar on working at the IMF and why the pandemic is a wake-up call for gender equality

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