James T. Dennison, Jr.

The Book of Lamentations

Únete al Decano Académico James T. Dennison del Seminario Teológico del Noroeste para una exploración perspicaz de Lamentaciones, centrándose en sus temas y mensajes.

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Lamentations 2: Concatenated Macrochiasm and Dual Narrative Voices (vv. 1-7)

83 mins • Oct 9, 2015

Episodios recientes

Oct 9, 2015

Lamentations 2: Concatenated Macrochiasm and Dual Narrative Voices (vv. 1-7)

83 mins

Oct 2, 2015

Lamentations 1: Macrochiasm and Dual Narrative Voices (vv. 17-22); Lamentations 2: Concatenated Macrochiasm and Dual Narrative Voices (Outline)

69 mins

Sep 25, 2015

Lamentations 1: Macrochiasm and Dual Narrative Voices (vv. 9-16)

81 mins

Sep 18, 2015

Lamentations 1: Macrochiasm and Dual Narrative Voices (vv. 1-8)

81 mins

Sep 11, 2015

Introduction and Biblical-theological Overview

83 mins

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