Oxford University

Global Economic Governance: Globalisation and the Financial Crisis

Únete a expertos mientras examinan la globalización y su impacto en la crisis financiera actual, destacando instituciones clave como el Banco Mundial y el G20. ¡Esperan discusiones perspicaces!

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Credit Crunch Global recession why/when/what?

10 mins • Dec 17, 2009

Episodios recientes

Dec 17, 2009

Credit Crunch Global recession why/when/what?

10 mins

Dec 17, 2009

History of Key Institutions IMF/World Bank/G8/G20 - What Why When?

13 mins

Dec 17, 2009

Global Governance and Regulation - why?

9 mins

Dec 17, 2009

Globalisation and the effect on economies

3 mins

Dec 17, 2009

Introduction to globalisation and the current financial crisis

1 mins

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