Swaminarayan Glory

Swaminarayan Glory

Explora profundas ideas espirituales que inspiran el crecimiento personal y la transformación. Descubre la diferencia entre enfoques pasivos y activos para la auto-mejora.

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Why do we not find the skeletons of demons slayed by Krishna or Rama though most of them existed in dwapar yuga only, as we can find remains of dinosaurs easily then why not of demons?

1 mins • Apr 25, 2023

Episodios recientes

Apr 25, 2023

Why do we not find the skeletons of demons slayed by Krishna or Rama though most of them existed in dwapar yuga only, as we can find remains of dinosaurs easily then why not of demons?

1 mins

Apr 24, 2023

Why are brahmacharis necessary? If they are necessary then why shouldn’t everyone become brahmachari?

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Apr 23, 2023

If one can chant the name of Allah or Jesus with love and reach God, then why can’t one chant the name of Ganesh or Shiva with love and reach Him?

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Apr 22, 2023

What is time? Is time material?

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Apr 21, 2023

How can we break the habit of  believing that we won’t be able to keep our promises?

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