Ryan O'Shea

Speaking Of... Conversations on Voice, Speech, and Identity with Ryan O'Shea

Únete a Ryan O'Shea mientras explora la importancia de la voz en la actuación y la vida diaria. Descubre cómo nuestro habla moldea la identidad a través de conversaciones y perspectivas interesantes.

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“Why was James Corden’s performance in Netflix’s THE PROM offensive to gay people?” with Tim Murray

S1 E19 • 44 mins • Feb 17, 2021

Episodios recientes

Feb 17, 2021

“Why was James Corden’s performance in Netflix’s THE PROM offensive to gay people?” with Tim Murray

S1 E19 • 44 mins

Aug 26, 2020

“Is there such a thing as a ‘natural’ accent?” with Kevin Clayette

S1 E18 • 36 mins

Jun 10, 2020

“How do I manipulate the volume of my voice?” with Dominick Bailey

S1 E17 • 42 mins

May 27, 2020

“What are your thoughts on the [So-Called] African-American Vernacular of English?” with Rachel Finley

S1 E16 • 22 mins

May 13, 2020

“Why do we make assumptions about individual’s race based on how they sound?” with Brandon Piper

S1 E15 • 60 mins

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