Studio 393

This Is 393 Podcasts


Descubre podcasts y música interesantes creados por jóvenes artistas en Studio 393 en Winnipeg. ¡Sintoniza para vibrantes conversaciones con músicos locales, diseñadores y más!

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Leanne Betasamosake Simpson - Theory Of Ice - Musician/ Author/ Teacher

30 mins • May 18, 2021


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Episodios recientes

May 18, 2021

Leanne Betasamosake Simpson - Theory Of Ice - Musician/ Author/ Teacher

30 mins

May 12, 2021

Andy Eastman. - Gorge Festival/ Synonym Art Consultation

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May 12, 2021

Sappfyre of Take Home BIPOC Arts House

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May 12, 2021

Natasha Ramoutar - "Bittersweet" Author/ Poet/ thinker

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Feb 26, 2021

Tasha Spillett-Sumner (Award- Winning Author/ Educator/ Speaker) Surviving The City 1 & 2

22 mins

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