Herman Melville

White Jacket, or The World in a Man-of-War

Descubre la vida en una fragata del siglo XIX a través de un marinero. La novela muestra los desafíos, la camaradería y los dilemas morales en el mar.

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5 - Jack Chase on a Spanish Quarter-Deck; 6 - The Quarter-Deck Officers, Warrant Officers, and Berth-Deck Underlings Of A Man-of-War; Where

E5 • 31 mins • Oct 17, 2023


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Episodios recientes

Oct 17, 2023

5 - Jack Chase on a Spanish Quarter-Deck; 6 - The Quarter-Deck Officers, Warrant Officers, and Berth-Deck Underlings Of A Man-of-War; Where

E5 • 31 mins

Oct 17, 2023

4 - White Jacket, or The World in a Man-of-War - Jack Chase

E4 • 14 mins

Oct 17, 2023

3 - White Jacket, or The World in a Man-of-War - A Glance At The Principal Divisions, Into Which A Man-of-War's Crew Is Divided

E3 • 14 mins

Oct 17, 2023

2 - White Jacket, or The World in a Man-of-War - Homeward Bound

E2 • 5 mins

Oct 17, 2023

1 - White Jacket, or The World in a Man-of-War - Preface and The Jacket

E1 • 7 mins

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