Helen acker

Is our children learning? A political podcast.

Únete a Helen Acker mientras aborda temas políticos y sociales urgentes, invitando a los oyentes a explorar diferentes puntos de vista y reflexionar sobre patrones históricos en cada episodio.

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“There you go again” - Ronald Reagan

S1 E4 • 3 mins • Dec 2, 2020

Episodios recientes

Dec 2, 2020

“There you go again” - Ronald Reagan

S1 E4 • 3 mins

Oct 3, 2020

“Will you shut up man?”- Joe Biden

S1 E3 • 16 mins

Sep 28, 2020

“(Government) for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” -President Abraham Lincoln

S1 E2 • 27 mins

Sep 28, 2020

“Its Morning Again in America” - Ronald Reagan. An intro to the podcast.

S1 E1 • 2 mins

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