BoB♭y Rose

Music.Talks with B♭R

Únete a BoB♭y Rose mientras explora diversas carreras en la música más allá de la interpretación y la enseñanza. Descubre perspectivas de profesionales de la industria en tecnología, terapia y más.

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S03E12 - Talking about the Music Journeys of a Performer, Dancer, Composer and Researcher

76 mins • Aug 28, 2021

Episodios recientes

Aug 28, 2021

S03E12 - Talking about the Music Journeys of a Performer, Dancer, Composer and Researcher

76 mins

Aug 11, 2021

S03E11 - The Process of Managing, Administrating and Handling the Business of Music

39 mins

Aug 3, 2021

S03E10 - Thoughts on the Various Innovations within the world of Music Technology

61 mins

Jul 24, 2021

S03E09 - Talking to a Music Educator and her Adventures in the Local Music Industry

72 mins

Jul 14, 2021

S03E08 - A Music Graduate's Non-Musical Therapy Approach

34 mins

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