REFSA Reflections

Únete a los investigadores de REFSA mientras exploran temas intrigantes, ofreciendo ideas y perspectivas que ayudan a aclarar cuestiones sociales importantes y la investigación que las respalda.

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RMK12 first impressions and why we should care

51 mins • Oct 4, 2021

Episodios recientes

Oct 4, 2021

RMK12 first impressions and why we should care

51 mins

Apr 30, 2021

Introducing Projek Muhibah: 10 Policies to Rebuild Malaysia Better

35 mins

Dec 29, 2020

All about GLC's, with Jalil Rasheed

50 mins

Nov 24, 2020

Budget 2021 with Ong Kian Ming

45 mins

Oct 28, 2020

Inequality and Good Jobs

75 mins

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