Cris Herrera

Naturspired™ Podcast | Sustainable Fashion

Descubre nuevas perspectivas sobre la moda sostenible con conversaciones atractivas que inspiran a individuos y marcas a repensar su conexión con el estilo. ¡Nuevos episodios quincenalmente!

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EP30: The Pros and Cons of Secondhand Fashion: With The Vintage Seeker

42 mins • May 16, 2023

Episodios recientes

May 16, 2023

EP30: The Pros and Cons of Secondhand Fashion: With The Vintage Seeker

42 mins

Apr 4, 2023

EP29: What The Fashion Education System Is Gravely Lacking

20 mins

Mar 7, 2023

EP28: The Power of Positivity in Creating Systemic Change

20 mins

Oct 18, 2022

EP27: [Interview] A Tool Everyone Needs To Combat Greenwashing: With The Changing Markets Foundation

40 mins

Aug 16, 2022

EP26: [Interview] Why Inclusivity & Joy Are So Important In Sustainable Fashion With Oge Ajibe

43 mins

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