The HIMALI Podcast

Sintoniza para escuchar historias cautivadoras y perspectivas de expertos en montañismo y aventureros que comparten sus experiencias en la exploración de gran altitud y viajes por el Himalaya.

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Episode 2: Conrad Anker, Mingma G Sherpa, and Pasang Tendi Sherpa talk about the development and progression of Himalayan High-Altitude Mountaineering

55 mins • Dec 13, 2023

Episodios recientes

Dec 13, 2023

Episode 2: Conrad Anker, Mingma G Sherpa, and Pasang Tendi Sherpa talk about the development and progression of Himalayan High-Altitude Mountaineering

55 mins

Aug 23, 2023

Episode 1: HIMALI CoFounder Tendi Sherpa & High Altitude Expert Alan Arnette

58 mins

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