Matt Haughey and Joel Johnson

Stepside: a show about trucks

Únete a Matt Haughey y Joel Johnson mientras comparten sus pensamientos sobre camiones, cubriendo las últimas noticias, sus favoritos personales y sus experiencias de conducción en charlas informales.

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Episode 17: Overland Expo, The Rubicon trail, and the Ford Raptor R wrecking

60 mins • Jul 31, 2023

Episodios recientes

Jul 31, 2023

Episode 17: Overland Expo, The Rubicon trail, and the Ford Raptor R wrecking

60 mins

Jun 13, 2023

Episode 16: Tacoma launch and the ID Buzz VW Bus finally drops for the US

57 mins

May 24, 2023

Episode 15: Predictions time: It's new Tacoma Eve! Plus Rangers and more

68 mins

Apr 5, 2023

Episode 14: RVs and Trailering and EVs and trail running and scuba and motorcycles and also a little bit about trucks

68 mins

Jan 26, 2023

Episode 13: CES and Ranger buying and Rivian test driving

88 mins

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