The Verge

What's Tech?

Explora los archivos atractivos de una serie galardonada que descompone la tecnología en términos simples. Descubre ideas del pasado y mantente actualizado con The Vergecast.

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The What’s Tech series finale

E88 • 24 mins • Dec 6, 2016

Episodios recientes

Dec 6, 2016

The What’s Tech series finale

E88 • 24 mins

Nov 16, 2016

What are Snapchat Spectacles, and do I have to be a teen to wear them?

E87 • 21 mins

Oct 25, 2016

How smartphone cameras took over the world

E86 • 25 mins

Oct 19, 2016

How HTTPS is slowly but surely making the internet safer

E85 • 30 mins

Oct 13, 2016

Why is everyone making GIFs of themselves?

E84 • 15 mins

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