Únete a Sagi Shrieber y David Tintner en conversaciones con expertos en diseño y emprendedores. Cada temporada brinda perspectivas sobre trabajo en equipo y crecimiento profesional.
#35 Ran Segall (Full stack designer & creator, Prospero) - Love what you do, take massive action, and prosper.
E35 • 51 mins • May 11, 2018
- 191Decreased by 4
- 196Increased by 0
- 187Decreased by 151
- 71Increased by 0
- 162Decreased by 2
Episodios recientes

May 11, 2018
#35 Ran Segall (Full stack designer & creator, Prospero) - Love what you do, take massive action, and prosper.
E35 • 51 mins

May 3, 2018
#34 David Kadavy (Bestselling Author & Host, Love Your Work) - How well are we connecting with our curiosity?
E34 • 54 mins

Mar 16, 2018
#33 Yasmine Evjen (Design Advocate, Google) - What is design if not a way to tell a story
E33 • 52 mins

Mar 8, 2018
#32 Quincy Larson (Founder and educator, freeCodeCamp) - The value of free education and building communities
E32 • 55 mins

Mar 1, 2018
#31 Brad Frost (Founder, Atomic Design) - Breaking down design systems to atomic elements
E31 • 63 mins

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