Suzannah Scully

Cosmos In You - Guide to Inner Space

Explora preguntas profundas sobre la existencia y el yo a través de las ideas de científicos, filósofos y artistas. Descubre una nueva perspectiva sobre nuestro lugar en el universo.

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EP 38: Beau Lotto - Deviate: The Science of Seeing Differently

45 mins • May 16, 2017

Episodios recientes

May 16, 2017

EP 38: Beau Lotto - Deviate: The Science of Seeing Differently

45 mins

May 9, 2017

EP 37: Diane Hennacy Powell - Telepathy and the ESP Enigma

45 mins

May 2, 2017

EP 36: Suzanne Geissman - Making Clear Connections to the Other Side

43 mins

Apr 25, 2017

EP 35: Jeff Leiberman - Seeing Beyond Human Perception

47 mins

Apr 18, 2017

EP: 34 Carl Buchheit - The Truth Behind Real Behavioral Change

52 mins

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