Únete a tres estudiantes de posgrado del Centro de Investigación en Inmunología de McMaster que conversan con profesores y compañeros sobre sus carreras y perspectivas en inmunología.
15. Transitions: Minisode with your Hosts!
26 mins • May 27, 2021
- 186Decreased by 6
- 62Decreased by 1
- 200Decreased by 6
- 118Increased by 0
- 175Decreased by 47
Episodios recientes

May 27, 2021
15. Transitions: Minisode with your Hosts!
26 mins

May 13, 2021
14. Mucosal immunity and representation in STEM with Dr. Puja Bagri
67 mins

Apr 28, 2021
13. Computational Biology and Imposter Syndrome with Dr. David Glass
66 mins

Apr 13, 2021
12. Scientific Conferences: Minisode with Hosts!
25 mins

Mar 23, 2021
11. The intersection of Chemical Biology and Tumour Immunology with Dr. Anthony Rullo
48 mins

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