Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies

Home is Where the Torah Is

Únete a educadores que comparten sus ideas sobre lo que hace que un hogar sea significativo desde la perspectiva judía, explorando comunidad, arquitectura y valores.

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Conflict Intimacy and Shlom Bayit

28 mins • Aug 25, 2020

Episodios recientes

Aug 25, 2020

Conflict Intimacy and Shlom Bayit

28 mins

Aug 16, 2020

The Tent of Rivka – Considering the Connection Between the Temple and the Home

26 mins

Aug 10, 2020

The Home and the Marketplace

27 mins

Aug 2, 2020

Mezuza – Our Best Selves at the Doorway

38 mins

Jul 29, 2020

The Windows of the Beit Midrash

31 mins

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