The Open University

Innovation Design: Energy and Sustainability - for iPod/iPhone

Explora cómo las soluciones energéticas innovadoras transforman comunidades y fomentan la sostenibilidad. Conoce las tecnologías renovables para un futuro más verde.

Listen on Apple Podcasts

Innovation Design: Energy and Sustainability

2 mins • Mar 26, 2010

Episodios recientes

Mar 26, 2010

Innovation Design: Energy and Sustainability

2 mins

Mar 26, 2010

Transcript -- Innovation Design: Energy and Sustainability

Jul 19, 2009

What makes customers choose a green tariff?

7 mins

Jul 19, 2009

Transcript -- What makes customers choose a green tariff?

Jul 19, 2009

The uptake of green tariffs

1 mins

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