Dr. Paul Burns and Dr. Ken Logan


Únete al Dr. Paul Burns y al Dr. Ken Logan mientras exploran la conexión entre la fe y la mente, combinando conocimientos de la neurociencia y la psicología.

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The Ascension of Jesus and the Internalized Christ

46 mins • Oct 1, 2020

Episodios recientes

Oct 1, 2020

The Ascension of Jesus and the Internalized Christ

46 mins

Aug 10, 2020

Brain Plasticity and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

46 mins

Jul 31, 2020

The Death of Christ and Redemptive Attachment

45 mins

Jul 22, 2020

The Life of Christ and Personal Transformation

45 mins

Jul 17, 2020

Jesus Incarnate & the Physiology of Basic Trust

47 mins

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