Drivel - Hosted by TGE

Únete a TGE en este podcast fresco con conversaciones sinceras, discusiones atractivas, perspectivas únicas, invitados especiales y temas que invitan a la reflexión.

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#3 - The truth about Lanistar, the 2030 petrol car ban, a house update, the Huracan STO, AMG GT Black ring record & my thoughts on the economy - a week in review.

S1 E3 • 29 mins • Nov 18, 2020

Episodios recientes

Nov 18, 2020

#3 - The truth about Lanistar, the 2030 petrol car ban, a house update, the Huracan STO, AMG GT Black ring record & my thoughts on the economy - a week in review.

S1 E3 • 29 mins

Oct 28, 2020

#2 - I’m leaving. Why I HATE London, & a new house update

S1 E2 • 21 mins

Aug 19, 2020

#1 - I’ve done a podcast - why?

S1 E1 • 3 mins

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