Podcasts from the UCLA Center for Chinese Studies
Podcasts from the UCLA Center for Chinese Studies
Explora conversaciones interesantes sobre cultura, historia y eventos actuales en estudios chinos. Obtén nuevas perspectivas y conocimientos de expertos en el campo.
Underglobalization: Beijing's Media Urbanism and the Chimera of Legitimacy
• Mar 2, 2020
- 192NEW
- 170NEW
- 199Decreased by 10
- 188Decreased by 2
- 198NEW
Episodios recientes

Mar 2, 2020
Underglobalization: Beijing's Media Urbanism and the Chimera of Legitimacy

Feb 20, 2020
Negotiating Stance and Gender: Peer Talk between American and Chinese Youth

Feb 6, 2020
CCS Scholars Forum

Jan 23, 2020
Transnationalism and Transformation in the Songs of Crazy Rich Asians

Jan 17, 2020
Americaville - Film Screening and Discussion with Director

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