Chelsea Wills and Devon Sampson

Delicious Revolution

Explora la conexión entre comida, cultura y sociedad con expertos apasionados, desde la agricultura hasta el periodismo, y descubre la esencia de nuestro paisaje culinario.

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54 Niaz Dorry on organizing for land food and sea food, and organizing at the speed of trust

47 mins • Jun 25, 2018

Episodios recientes

Jun 25, 2018

54 Niaz Dorry on organizing for land food and sea food, and organizing at the speed of trust

47 mins

May 13, 2018

53 Janaki Jagannath on an ecological approach to environmental justice in the San Joaquin Valley

49 mins

Apr 10, 2018

52 M. Jahi Chappell on Beginning to End Hunger

43 mins

Mar 9, 2018

#51 Elizabeth Mpofu of La Via Campesina on peasant leadership and a call to fight together

27 mins

Jan 25, 2018

Announcing Season 6: The Movement Builders

5 mins

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