Robert Orzanna (Orschiro)

Short Stories

Explora narrativas cautivadoras de On Being y Brain Pickings, entrelazando diversos temas que inspiran el pensamiento y la reflexión en cada episodio.

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Oliver Sacks on Nature’s Beauty as a Gateway into Deep Time and a Lens on the Interconnectedness of the Universe

• Jul 22, 2018

Episodios recientes

Jul 22, 2018

Oliver Sacks on Nature’s Beauty as a Gateway into Deep Time and a Lens on the Interconnectedness of the Universe

Jul 21, 2018

Kahlil Gibran on the Courage to Weather the Uncertainties of Love

Jul 21, 2018

The news is not the full story of our time

Jul 17, 2018

What borders are really about, and what we do with them; we are a quilt; why justice isn’t enough

Jul 8, 2018

Bertrand Russell on what makes a fulfilling life, an illustrated celebration of the many meanings and manifestations of love, an immigrant’s tale

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