Sharon Kenny

Queen Of Hearts ♥️ 💜 Sharon Kenny, Ireland' s No.1 MatchMaker

Este programa está dirigido a personas que buscan romance, parejas que desean reavivar su pasión y a cualquiera que necesite orientación para sanar y avanzar en el amor.

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Let's over these usual times, learn the best tools to find love and keep it :) Let' spread the love

2 mins • Oct 20, 2020

Episodios recientes

Oct 20, 2020

Let's over these usual times, learn the best tools to find love and keep it :) Let' spread the love

2 mins

Oct 20, 2020

Queen Of Hearts ♥️ 💜 Sharon Kenny, Ireland' s No.1 MatchMaker (Trailer)

1 mins

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