Tula's Endless Summer

Whatever Floats Your Boat // Tula's Endless Summer

Únete a Billy y Sierra mientras comparten experiencias auténticas de la vida en un barco, con historias personales, lecciones valiosas y entrevistas perspicaces para todos los oyentes.

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Professional Marine Surveyor, Matt Knoll, Gives Great Insight into New and Used Boats. Trends, red flags, and how an individual can Identify potential issues.

83 mins • Feb 9, 2022

Episodios recientes

Feb 9, 2022

Professional Marine Surveyor, Matt Knoll, Gives Great Insight into New and Used Boats. Trends, red flags, and how an individual can Identify potential issues.

83 mins

Nov 5, 2021

They Turned a 50ft. Abandoned Boat into the Most Beautiful Boat AirBnB You've Ever Seen

63 mins

Jul 4, 2021

Corsair 880 Trimaran Wrap-up

52 mins

Jun 22, 2020

Monohull vs. Catamaran (Interview with Sailing Yacht Ruby Rose)

S1 E8 • 56 mins

May 26, 2020

Offshore Sailing || Our Story Sailing Home During a Pandemic USVI's - Florida

S1 E7 • 43 mins

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