Arthur Conan Doyle

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Explora una cautivadora colección de 12 cuentos cortos que presentan a un famoso detective. Estas historias, ilustradas por Sidney Paget, siguen emocionantes misterios y deducciones ingeniosas.

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05 - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - The Five Orange Pips

E5 • 48 mins • Apr 27, 2023

Episodios recientes

Apr 27, 2023

05 - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - The Five Orange Pips

E5 • 48 mins

Apr 27, 2023

04 - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - The Boscombe Valley Mystery

E4 • 61 mins

Apr 27, 2023

03 - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - A Case of Identity

E3 • 43 mins

Apr 27, 2023

02 - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - The Science of Deduction

E2 • 22 mins

Apr 27, 2023

01 - The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - A Scandal in Bohemia

E1 • 55 mins

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