British Youth Council

Bank of England Youth Forum podcast

Únete a una animada discusión sobre temas financieros que son importantes para los jóvenes, con invitados diversos que comparten ideas y experiencias relevantes para la juventud actual.

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Episode 6: What are CBDCs and why do they matter to the British Youth?

15 mins • Mar 23, 2023

Episodios recientes

Mar 23, 2023

Episode 6: What are CBDCs and why do they matter to the British Youth?

15 mins

Jan 5, 2023

Episode 5: What is Web 3.0 and what is the Future of the DLT Ecosystem?

S1 E5 • 20 mins

Dec 20, 2022

Episode 4: What are Stablecoins & are Cryptocurrencies a Form of Money?

S1 E4 • 12 mins

Dec 14, 2022

Episode 3: What is the Impact of Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies on Sustainability?

S1 E3 • 15 mins

Dec 7, 2022

Episode 2: How the cryptocurrency ecosystem has evolved since the creation of Bitcoin

S1 E2 • 23 mins

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