Farnoosh Torabi

Black Wealth Matters

Explora conversaciones perspicaces con figuras influyentes negras mientras abordan las disparidades financieras, el racismo sistémico y los desafíos de lograr estabilidad económica.

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10: How racism shows up when you're Black and wealthy with Tiffany Aliche "The Budgetnista"

29 mins • Sep 1, 2020

Episodios recientes

Sep 1, 2020

10: How racism shows up when you're Black and wealthy with Tiffany Aliche "The Budgetnista"

29 mins

Sep 1, 2020

09: How to practice BLM in your business with Rachel Rodgers, founder of Hello Seven

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Sep 1, 2020

08: Talking to kids about race and money with Talaat and Tai McNeely

32 mins

Sep 1, 2020

07: NBA Agent Dominique Stapleton on educating Black athletes about money

26 mins

Sep 1, 2020

06: Why we have to stop calling it the "racial wealth gap" with entrepreneur Yemi Rose

30 mins

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