Shaun Ashworth

APUSH by Mr. Craven and Mr. Ashworth

Únete a Mr. Ashworth y Mr. Craven mientras exploran eventos y figuras clave en la historia de Estados Unidos, haciendo que temas complejos sean accesibles y atractivos para todos.

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Lincoln's "Evolving" Views on Slavery

28 mins • Dec 10, 2020

Episodios recientes

Dec 10, 2020

Lincoln's "Evolving" Views on Slavery

28 mins

Oct 23, 2020

The Era of Good Feelings

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Oct 21, 2020

The Legacy of the Marshall Court

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Sep 29, 2020

Debunking Myths about the American Revolution

28 mins

Sep 29, 2020

The Constitution as a Conservative Document

13 mins

Estados Unidos
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