Ursula Major Productions

The Bitchery of History

Únete a los mejores amigos Max y Allison mientras destacan a mujeres notables de la historia, compartiendo historias de heroínas y villanas feroces de una manera divertida y atractiva.

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Bitches Get Personal 2020 - The Activist and The Interpreter

70 mins • Aug 3, 2020

Episodios recientes

Aug 3, 2020

Bitches Get Personal 2020 - The Activist and The Interpreter

70 mins

Jul 27, 2020

Bitches Get Personal 2020 - The Activist and The Doctor

86 mins

May 18, 2020

BND - Triny Willerton

70 mins

May 11, 2020

3.19 The Nurse and The Nurse (re-broadcast)

75 mins

May 11, 2020

4.12 The Journalist and The Suffragette (re-broadcast)

37 mins

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