Reach Podcasts

Brexit The Final Countdown

Únete a nosotros cada semana para debates sobre el Brexit. Con expertos y una mezcla de información y humor, mantente al tanto a medida que se acerca la fecha límite.

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The penny drops! This is what Brexit was all about...

35 mins • Feb 19, 2020

Episodios recientes

Feb 19, 2020

The penny drops! This is what Brexit was all about...

35 mins

Feb 12, 2020

High Speed Brexit? Trade talks, budget battles and, Rory Stewart

37 mins

Feb 6, 2020

We're out! Bendy bananas for all...and some trade deals on the side

38 mins

Jan 29, 2020

Bye Bye Brussels: Goodbye EU (for now)

44 mins

Jan 22, 2020

Great Brexit Bake Off! We have our cake and YES we ate it

36 mins

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