London School of Economics and Political Science

Autumn 2015 | Public lectures and events | Audio and pdf

Explora recursos de audio y PDF de las conferencias y eventos públicos del otoño de 2015 de LSE, que presentan discusiones y presentaciones perspicaces. Accede al conocimiento fácilmente.

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Fighting the Behemoth: law, politics and human rights in times of debt and austerity

80 mins • Dec 10, 2015

Episodios recientes

Dec 10, 2015

Fighting the Behemoth: law, politics and human rights in times of debt and austerity

80 mins

Dec 10, 2015

The Power of Ideas: a discussion with David Harvey

88 mins

Dec 10, 2015

In the Front Line of Climate Change

50 mins

Dec 9, 2015

Tackling Extreme Poverty through Programmes Targeting the World's Ultra-Poor

92 mins

Dec 8, 2015

Each Age Gets the Great Powers It Needs: 20,000 years of international relations

89 mins

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