OTB Sports

Paul Rouse's History of Sport

Únete a Joe Molloy y al historiador Paul Rouse mientras exploran la rica historia del deporte en Irlanda y más allá, con cada episodio centrado en una era y un tema únicos.

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HISTORY OF SPORT w/ PAUL ROUSE | Series Finale | Sport through the Troubles and the current landscape

62 mins • Jun 9, 2020

Episodios recientes

Jun 9, 2020

HISTORY OF SPORT w/ PAUL ROUSE | Series Finale | Sport through the Troubles and the current landscape

62 mins

Jun 2, 2020

HISTORY OF SPORT w/ PAUL ROUSE | Episode 10 | The impact of partition on Irish sport

50 mins

May 26, 2020

HISTORY OF SPORT w/ PAUL ROUSE | Episode 9 | GAA myth-making & sport's relationship with war

37 mins

May 19, 2020

HISTORY OF SPORT w/ PAUL ROUSE | Episode 8 | Women in Sport

44 mins

May 12, 2020

HISTORY OF SPORT w/ PAUL ROUSE | Episode 7 | Money, Money, Money: The Commercialisation of Sport

46 mins

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