Explora podcasts interesantes del Grupo de Evaluación de Cambridge, que presentan ideas y discusiones sobre las tendencias en educación y evaluación que importan hoy en día.
The rise of thinking skills in higher education and the workplace
20 mins • Apr 26, 2021
- 170NEW
- 191NEW
- 155Increased by 15
- 171Decreased by 28
- 198Decreased by 30
Episodios recientes

Apr 26, 2021
The rise of thinking skills in higher education and the workplace
20 mins

Apr 8, 2021
Are you testing or are you assessing? Exploring a holistic approach to assessment in schools
50 mins

Mar 25, 2021
Helping students manage anxiety in 2021 and beyond
28 mins

Mar 24, 2021
Admissions tests: Discovering candidates with the most potential
27 mins

Mar 10, 2021
How do we support the education sector through professional development?
39 mins

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