Únete a la aventura mientras entreno a Boo, un mustang con un espíritu cauteloso. Juntos, descubriremos las historias culturales y ambientales vinculadas a estos caballos icónicos.
8. The Sundance: From deep history, a way forward
29 mins • Dec 6, 2023
- 197Decreased by 49
- 198Decreased by 82
- 41Increased by 0
Episodios recientes

Dec 6, 2023
8. The Sundance: From deep history, a way forward
29 mins

Nov 29, 2023
7. Mustang: Mutt of the West
23 mins

Nov 22, 2023
6. Training horses, healing humans
28 mins

Nov 15, 2023
5. The Cowboy and the Mustang
20 mins

Nov 8, 2023
4. Native Mustang Management
26 mins

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