Frontline Records

Frontline Records Rewind

Sintoniza para disfrutar de los grandes éxitos cristianos de los 80, 90 y principios de los 2000 en varias estaciones de radio o descarga episodios desde iTunes y

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REWIND 82: Immortal Christian Rock Festival Pt. 2 - Featuring Rey Parra of Sacred Warrior, and Les Carlsen of Bloodgood

80 mins • Sep 21, 2023

Episodios recientes

Sep 21, 2023

REWIND 82: Immortal Christian Rock Festival Pt. 2 - Featuring Rey Parra of Sacred Warrior, and Les Carlsen of Bloodgood

80 mins

Aug 22, 2023

REWIND 81: Immortal Christian Rock Festival Pt. 1 - Featuring Jimmy P. Brown of Deliverance, and Les Carlsen of Bloodgood

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Jun 1, 2018

REWIND 80: The crew wraps up 6 years of radio/podcast entertainment and closes a chapter on a program featuring music and memories from a variety of recording artists.

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Apr 20, 2018

REWIND 79: Street Called Straight original member, Scott Frankfurt, continues with his story chronicling his next three albums and life as a producer

58 mins

Mar 16, 2018

REWIND 78: Street Called Straight original member, Scott Frankfurt let’s us into his gorgeous studio in Woodland Hills, CA and takes the time to remember his late wife Jody and their 80s synth pop group.

52 mins

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