
The Survival to Thrival Podcast

Únete a los autores Tae Hea Nahm y Bob Tinker, junto con la periodista Helen Croydon, mientras exploran estrategias esenciales para que las startups B2B prosperen en sus mercados.

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How we unlocked growth and became a unicorn: The youngest CEO of a unicorn, April Koh, explains her strategy for finding Go to Market Fit

E21 • 36 mins • Jul 18, 2022

Episodios recientes

Jul 18, 2022

How we unlocked growth and became a unicorn: The youngest CEO of a unicorn, April Koh, explains her strategy for finding Go to Market Fit

E21 • 36 mins

May 12, 2022

Best strategies to implement product-led growth

E20 • 33 mins

Oct 7, 2021

Why should you be a first customer?

E19 • 28 mins

Sep 8, 2021

How do you win your first customers?

E18 • 19 mins

Jun 28, 2021

How Kyum Kim, co-founder of Blind, successfully took the Korean app to the US market

E17 • 30 mins

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