Andres Aviles

Architecture, Business & Design

Explora la intersección del diseño de interiores y la arquitectura con entrevistas a expertos que destacan las tendencias actuales, innovaciones y su impacto en la industria global.

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Reaching the top of a skyscraper - the success of architect Ed Shim

S1 31 mins • Nov 21, 2018

Episodios recientes

Nov 21, 2018

Reaching the top of a skyscraper - the success of architect Ed Shim

S1 31 mins

Nov 7, 2018

From architect to interior designer - Inside the mind of John Mack

S1 33 mins

Oct 24, 2018

The success of an architecture and interior design firm - Interview with CetraRuddy

S1 28 mins

Oct 10, 2018

How to find meaning in your work with Phoebe Oldrey

S1 37 mins

Sep 26, 2018

Becoming an architect | The journey of Neil Myers

S1 E2 • 34 mins

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