Katie Gassmann & Anna Grace Averett

VERVE the style podcast

Únete a Katie Gassmann y Anna Grace Averett mientras charlan con creadores de tendencias e innovadores sobre la evolución de la moda en el espacio digital y sus cinco mejores looks.

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Important Announcement: The End Of An Era

S2 E116 • 2 mins • Aug 18, 2023

Episodios recientes

Aug 18, 2023

Important Announcement: The End Of An Era

S2 E116 • 2 mins

Aug 8, 2023

Ep. 115: Summer concert series- what are people wearing? Drake concert and Lollapalooza coverage!

61 mins

Aug 1, 2023

Ep. 114: Business babes rule the world

S3 E114 • 48 mins

Jul 26, 2023

Ep. 113: The new era of the "supermodel", Jenna Lyons is the new villain on RONY?, and Anna Grace takes a new approach to packing

S3 E112 • 51 mins

Jul 19, 2023

Ep. 112: Interview with Deanna Meador, co-founder and CEO of Couture Technologies, an AI based virtual fitting technology making online shopping easier

S3 E106 • 54 mins

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