Gerd-Jan van Gils

Wemanity - A day in the life of an agile Coach

Explora episodios cortos de podcast donde los coaches comparten sus experiencias y estrategias para adaptar las prácticas ágiles durante los desafíos planteados por la pandemia.

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S1E10 - The importance of knowledge sharing in these remote times - Marty de Jonge

S1 E10 • 8 mins • Apr 20, 2020


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Episodios recientes

Apr 20, 2020

S1E10 - The importance of knowledge sharing in these remote times - Marty de Jonge

S1 E10 • 8 mins

Apr 8, 2020

S1E9 - Which competences as an Agile Coach are needed working remote? - Ingrid Drouen

S1 E9 • 10 mins

Apr 7, 2020

S1E8 - A remote quarterly planning - Anna Lavrova

S1 E8 • 11 mins

Apr 6, 2020

S1E7 - Explore, experiment and accelerate - Guillaume Fessier

S1 E7 • 17 mins

Apr 1, 2020

S1E6 - Today's leadership in an uncertain world - Rose Noordzij

12 mins

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